Multichannel Listing
Stock Konnect saves your working hours with its powerful bulk actions of multichannel listing.
See where your inventory is currently selling, and publish new product listings out to your sales channels in bulk with just a few clicks.
Creating your brand presence at multichannel storefronts enables you to reach new marketplaces as well.

Multichannel Listings
Run up on Stock Konnect and control your multichannel listings smoothly. Simply group the similar products into bundles and set variation listings to link similar items together.
Simple Listings Approach
Feel no complexity. Simply select the products you want to list, choose the channels to list on, and Stock Konnect creates perfect listings for you in real-time.
Centralized Product Listings
Stock Konnect’s offers the centralized products listings. It allows you to select products from one channel and list those products into other sales channels easily.
Stock Synchronization
With a centralized approach, Stock Konnect links your listings from all sales channels. Whenever a sale is made, it updates the stock level everywhere.
Bulk Updates
With the bulk update feature, you can update the listing in bulk easily and quickly. Simply make a change in one place and it will update everywhere you sell in realtime.
Bulk Variations
No matter if your products vary by color, size, or anything else. This software enables you to define bulk variations intelligently and map them to your desired sales channels.
Supported Sales Channels